Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Could It Happen?

Could Spags turn this team around in one season?

Sure anything is possible, anything. And that gets a lot of fans extremely excited about the 2009 season.

The problem with this newly found excitement in St. Louis is the fact that the fans there are so fickle. Those who have gotten their hopes up and putting everything they've got on Spags could be let down for a rude awakening.

Spags doesn't promise a miracle and that's what the fans should be listening to, not looking around the league to see what other young coaches have done with their teams.

The team has a lot of needs far more than probably be taken care of in one season that is why we need to approach this season with caution. Don't put too many of your expectations on the shoulders of our new head coach. He's got enough to deal with it as it is.

We need to be patient with the new coach and not turn our backs on him the moment it looks like things are going sour.

Spags will be fine, the team will be fine, just don't expect a miracle the first season. And if it does happen, then the surprise will be better than anticipated.

Go Rams!

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